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Preparing for Your Newborn Baby

Becoming a mom is a wonderful experience, but it also means some big changes and there’s a lot to take in. We’ve put together some resources to help you prepare to welcome your new little family member, nurturing her happy healthy development even before she leaves the womb.

Baby Shower

Throwing a baby shower for yourself or a loved one is an excellent way to help your baby get many of the items she’ll need for a happy and healthy start.

Baby Shower
Your Changing Body

Your Changing Body

Learn how your body will change while you’re pregnant and the steps you can take to feel your best during these special 9 months.


Before Your Baby Arrives

It’s impossible to remember everything that you’ve learned about taking care of your new baby, so we’ve provided some reminders about what to do to prepare your baby for a happy, healthy start.


Preparing the Nursery

It doesn’t take fancy furniture or expensive toys to make your baby’s nursery perfect— all it takes is some thoughtful considerations to make sure the environment is safe, calm and ready for your baby.

Feeding Your Baby

Feeding Your Newborn Baby

Feeding time is a great time to sit quietly, relax and bond with your baby through touch. Moms feed their babies in different ways. Learn more about how to feed your baby.

Breastfeeding Guide

Breastfeeding Guide

We know breastfeeding isn’t easy for many moms, so we’ve provided some support to help you better navigate what can be an incredible bonding experience.


Post Pregnancy Care for Mothers

To give your baby the best care, you also need to care for yourself. Learn what to do to help keep you happy and healthy too.

First 10 Days

First 10 Days of Baby Care

The first 10 days with your baby will go by very fast. We created a quick baby care guide to help you focus on the moments that mean more and worry less about “Am I doing this right?”


3 Tips For New Parents

The first month of your newborn is crucial, and here are three important tips for first time parents to keep in mind.